Izzy de la Colline des Violettes

Name: IZZY de la Colline des Violettes
Born : 24.03.2020
Contact : Sylvia Richner
Mail :  sylvia.richner@bluewin.ch

(Details are not verified by barbetstuds.com)
Hips: A/A
Elbow : 0/0
Size: 58 cm
Correct scissor bite and complete denture
Prcd-PRA: clear
D-Lokus: clear
vWD1: clear
DNA profile available

Izzy is a very social and playful male. Friendly to humans and other dogs. He is very strong and has a good temperament.

VAP ( Vereinsanlagenprüfung VBBFL) 129 points
Social test and confirmation with Excellent